Community Days
Family Events:
Activities and Demonstrations

4 H
40 and 8
Badgerland Girl Scouts
Better Hearing
Boy Scout Troop 68 - Onalaska, WI
Boy Scout Troop 91 - Holmen, WI
Boys and Girls Club La Crosse
Brice Prairie Conservation Association
BrightStar Care
BSA Explorer groups
BSA Girl Troop 19
Civil Air Patrol
Coast Guard Auxiliary
Coulee Bike Company
Crossroads Bar and Grill
Crossroads Ice Cream Parlor
Explore La Crosse
GAC - inflatable BB gun range
Gameday Supply
Get Bouncin' LLC
Go Kart Racing
Great River Orthodontics
Habitat For Humanity
Harley Davidson
Head Start - Onalaska / La Crosse
Home Depot
La Crosse County Veterans Office
La Crosse Fairgrounds Speedway - NASCAR race car
LCHS Therapy dogs - needs access to water
Lions - Onalaska
Luther High School
Medary Family Fun Days
Mississippi Valley Amateur Radio Association - ham radio
n.a.s.a. (North American Squirrel Association)
Naval Sea Cadets
OFD - kids water fights and fire truck(s)
Onalaska Library
Onalaska Police Reserves
Onalaska YMCA
Pack 69
Poppy Princess
Rising Starr Dog Training
River City Rough Riders football
The Zone
Tri-State Ambulance
True North Chiropractic
United Way
WI Army National Guard - climbing wall
WI DNR - Game Warden
Wisconsin State Patrol - roll over simulator
WIZM - AM radio - La Crosse
Xcel Energy